
Richland Snow Drifters

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We would like to say "Thank You" to all our landowners who make it a privilege not a right to use their land year after year!!!

If you own a snowmobile and you are not a member of a club, come join our club and find out what you're missing out on. You will find out first hand what it takes year after year to put in and maintain these beautiful trails, while you meet new friends along with getting to know how important our landowners are by giving us the privilege to use their land. 

Click now on Passes/Dues and be a part of Richland County's longest running snowmobile club!!! New members always welcome.

 Get your discounted $10 trail pass by joining a local club and becoming a AWSC member.

One of the great Richland County Snowmobile Clubs located in Boaz, WI since 1971 responsible for the maintaining and marking the 134 miles of State funded trails in Richland County, along with our other Club funded trails. We as members work together marking & clearing trails, building & repair bridges, & work hard on Landowner relationships to give you some of the most beautiful trails in Wisconsin. A $25 annual single or family membership per year makes you a RSD Club member & also makes you a member to the AWSC which includes many additional benefits. If you are already a AWSC member you can also support the cause by becoming a secondary club member for only $15 per year. We have monthly meetings on the 1st Wednesday of every month at Karen's Supper Club in Boaz & are open to all new and current members including guests. We also do alot of club fundraising events like Boaz Fun Days along with other club sponsored functions like picnics & Christmas parties. Please feel free to attend one of our meetings so you can be a part our great club.

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